Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I would like to start my diary by expressing some words in regards to my unborn baby that I have lost two days ago

To my dearest baby,

Having u in me was like a dream that I didn't wish to wake up from. I was seeing your smiles, imagining you growing inside me, and knowing that having u with us will add a lot to our lives. You may have left the world but you'll always be a life in my heart. I thank God for the moments I had with u. I thank God for his blessings. And I hope that one day I may have your brothers and sisters. I have loved u since the first day and I'll always will .

My dearest baby, words are never enough to tell you how I truly feel. I love u with all my heart and through my soul.

Your mommy


  1. Umm ..actually I don't have the foggiest idea about such things and I am not a mom either ,, but honestly ,you brought me into tears T_T

    ..there is always a hidden wisdom that we "people" can't see or understand , surely God is saving the best for you sooner or later , have faith that everything is going to be just fine and may Allah make it up for you and fill your life with joy and
    happiness sweetie ..

    by the way , this is your friend @Mystery2015 from Twitter ^_^

    1. Thank you so much for your sweat words. Talking about it and having all the support had helped it a lot to go through it. It was an unpleasant time :(. I still can see the Dr. eyes when she was looking on the screen and feel my anticipation. I was hoping that nothing was wrong.

      I can't say that I dont see him in my dreams but I'm really hoping to get pregnant again soon

  2. I hope that too ^_^ I will always pray for you ,never lose faith dear ❤❤
