Sunday, March 17, 2013

Back in Qatar

I'm back once more. Been to Spain but unfortunatly couldn't make it to art muesums that included Dali and Piccaso. I can't find time to sketch nowadays. A lot of things have happened since I came back. Some of which are unfortunate but we are all hoping for the best.
My cusin is suffering from cancer. She is not yet treated till she becomes strong enough for the treatments required. We are all with her, praying for her, talking to her, and truely believe that she will be herself again and much better Inshallah.
Wish you include her in your prayers..
"ربي نستودعكـ غاليه التميمي . فردها الينا بأحسن حال عاجلاً غير اجلاً . اللهــم امين"